But in between all those I have still been putting up stuff from the monumental inheritance. Not complaining about that one. I have also been helping out some friends with stuff in their businesses or homes. Nothing more satisfying than helping someone.
No thanks necessary, just the smile on their faces is all I need.
While all the little earlier mentioned activity was going on I also had some problems with my condition that I am working through. Stupid paranoia and anger popping up. Kind of stuck in a rut I guess. Happily I am back on the smooth road again. Every day makes me better. The past few weeks I have felt like myself again. A self from many, many years ago. But that is all for my other blog.
So on to the woodwork.
Here is an AV stand I put together for Brent. Just in time for Deneyse's fiftieth birthday party too. So a big weekend for both of them. Lots of smiles and happiness all around.
As you can see the top had many bark inclusions in it. Perfect for the effect we were going for here. I pried all the bark out with a chisel and softened any sharp edges.
Just another view. Boy do I ever need to get my DSL camera up and working again.
I used an angle grinder with a wire wheel on it to give the weathered effect. The wire wheel pulls the soft wood off and leaves the tighter, harder grain behind.
Here it is set up in his house. "I make what you want" is the new motto around here. The table cloth behind is used to hide all the wiring. (Marina :-) ) In this picture you can see the hammered steel brackets added to the corners just to spice it up a little.
Rather than one large post of what I have done in October and November I broke up the action into many short entries. Everyone is so busy this time of year I don't want to hog your time. So more to come.
thanks for reading

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